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Personal Introduction

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     Like Michelle Obama stated in the quote on my welcome page, “Commit to your education”. Whatever I do I try my best to do it with persistence and zeal. If I could compare myself to two characters who showcase both persistence and zeal when it comes to their education, I would choose Matilda from Road Dahl's classic children's book, Matilda, and Rory Gilmore from the well-known show, the Gilmore Girls. Both characters commit to their education by consistently staying on top of their work and reaching beyond what their teachers and peers expect. Both Rory and Matilda are always seen with books in hand. This has helped them to constantly be stretching their minds by developing their vocabulary, comprehension, and analytical thinking skills.

     The works of great authors like Dickens, Shakespeare, and the Bronte sisters inspired my love of history and British literature. Books by these authors stretched my mind and allowed me to grasp new concepts quickly. These books prepared me by allowing me to develop the critical thinking and vocabulary skills that I would need for college reading. From browsing the shelves at my local library and reading basically everything that I could put my hands on, to pursuing my interests in both the humanities, arts and the sciences at SPCC, reading has always helped me. I owe my love of reading to being homeschooled.

     Prior to attending South Piedmont Community College for my Associates of Arts degree, I was homeschooled. I had many fears about going to college for the first time. But, I can proudly say that I have adapted well to a classroom atmosphere. Because I was a homeschooler, I was able to dive into the subjects that I loved most and develop my skills as a self-taught learner. I studied and wrote, observed and developed, I even created and, in some cases, destroyed.

     My academic strengths have always been English and History because I love writing. I enjoy learning about the world and the people around me. That’s why I chose to pursue an AA degree because it would allow me to delve further into those subjects. I learn well in both online and offline class environments because I am a mix between a visual and auditory learner. I love to watch tutorials on topics that I don’t understand. I am able to see examples and hear the person explaining them to me.

    Early on in my college career, I noticed that my mistakes have become my greatest lessons as a growing young woman. This lesson alone has prepared me for my future of working in the music industry. Whether I am making the beats, writing the songs, or performing them, I will be happy because I am pursuing my dream of working in the industry that I love. Several of my favorite artists include Adele, Beyonce, Amy Winehouse, Lauren Daigle, Mariah Carey, and Celine Dion. All of these women are knowledgeable about their craft and are committed to educating themselves. I aim to be an ounce of what they are!

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